
Paid Search Campaign

Small business and Start up's: Art n' Tart

This was one of my favorite marketing campaigns!  The reason being I am NOT in this target audience.  I have no interest in doing anything like this so it was challenging to design an effective campaign.  Challenging but fun!  I enjoy Paid Search and Designing relative keyword banks to pull from for advertisements.  Plus I decided to pull in from my other talents and shot all the photography for the presentation …above and beyond!!!

Social Media Campaign

National Aquarium

All the other kids wanted to be doctors and firefighters…I wanted to be a Marine Biologist!  That never happened but this is project was close to the heart.  I wanted to keep in line with the original branding with reaching new untouched Target Audiences.

SEO Strategy

Hedge house Furniture

I love SEO…why???  Because SEO is like finding a cheat code for better results.  Ahh yes… I am a product of the “golden eye” days of video games lol.  This project allowed me to think critically of what already existed and push the envelope for the future!  This company has an awesome product and figuring out how to increase it’s reach was a pleasure!